

Plan d’action

Information for candidates

Regardless of the reasons that fuel your ambitions, immigrating cannot be improvised when you have the choice and the time.

You must create an action plan.

Here are some tips for designing your plan.

Do not hesitate to write to us if you have any questions on this subject.

Action Plan: We call it IFOFAF.


Are you well informed about all the laws, rights and obligations that structure your project?

Consult the ircc site and ensure the legitimacy of the immigration consulting services offered to you.


Money is power. It is important to have more than the necessary funds at your disposal before immigrating. When shopping, expect to pay taxes. Similarly, for your payslips, there will be provincial and federal tax deductions if you live in Quebec. If you need help opening an account, obtaining insurance and connecting with good financial advisors, write to us.


In which province are you planning to immigrate and which languages do you speak?

Canada is a bilingual country of French and English. If you plan to settle in Quebec, you must absolutely speak French or commit yourself very seriously to deepening your mastery of it because ALTERAMBITIONS is very meticulous in its process and aligns itself firmly with provincial and federal laws.


Everything doesn't always go as planned.

Be mentally prepared to change some of your ambitions and keep your heart open.


The unification of ambitions in action depends entirely on your willingness to move energies. The cultural codes are not the same so do not hesitate to ask questions to residents before taking certain actions.

ALTERAMBITIONS is here to guide you. Bring out the animal in you and be persistent!


There are 4 seasons in Canada. Be prepared for long freezing winters. Invest in quality equipment and remember that there are always activities to do.

The warmth in winter is found in your smiles and your good humor.

Your migratory journey is the new chapter of your life path and you must allow yourself to be happy.


  • There is no doubt that the current healthcare system suffers from notable flaws, which also impose long waits to access a family doctor.
  • Keep in mind that your children might want to reflect tendencies that diverge from your beliefs. It is therefore advisable to prepare to reinforce the education provided within the home or to take other radical measures in accordance with their rights.
  • The scourge of racism remains latent, taking various forms and concealed under multiple guises.
  • It is incumbent on you to maintain mental toughness, while systematically planning for financial and food reserves to meet possible hardships.
  • No matter how stellar your credentials are, it's possible for you to get into decent paying jobs that require little, if any, academic credentials or prior experience. It follows that you must be prepared to be led by individuals lacking the appropriate qualifications and skills, regardless of the organization.
  • If you need help, whether you openly ask for help or turn to the competent bodies, help will always be available to you.
  • Animal companions occupy a place of great importance in our society. Any act of theft or aggression against them, without a legitimate reason for defence, could mark the prelude to a deterioration of your migratory journey.
  • The act of recycling is of crucial importance. Thus, it is important to take care meticulously to deposit your waste in the appropriate containers, thus contributing to preserving our environment.
  • Think long term with sincerity before some credit inquiries.
  • In Quebec, like the majority of men, millions of women practice the art of seduction, drive motorcycles, trucks and luxury cars. They exercise physical occupations and leaders, use expressive language and raise their voices with firmness, in a manner equivalent to men.
  • It's common for many couples to get into the habit of splitting dating expenses in half. It is advisable to tip the waiters in case of consumption on the spot and satisfaction with the service. However, for take-out orders at the counter, there is no obligation in this regard.
  • You must do your taxes each year by respecting the deadlines according to your professional situation.
  • It is imperative to remain constantly vigilant concerning the evolution of the laws relating to immigration, because these are subject to frequent modifications. It is therefore recommended that you keep yourself informed at least once a month.

Things to remember before immigrating to Québec

You have watched many videos that encourage you to immigrate to Quebec, and perhaps there are things not mentioned.

ALTERAMBITIONS is very transparent about reality, because unlike most agencies on the market, our foundations have their roots in immigration even before we were born.

Before immigrating to Quebec, it is important to remember these elements:

  • The majority of couples who immigrate together divorce within the first 2 years.
  • In Quebec, people don't really tell you what they think. Therefore, in an organizational context, be professional and diligent. Don't hesitate to ask lots of questions, and if you want specific advice regarding a situation, it's better to contact professionals and be prepared to pay the price if necessary, rather than talking to a third party. .
  • Eating habits are different. If you lived in Central and Latin America, Africa, Asia, or even Europe, expect to face some changes depending on the regions of your provinces.
  • The Quebec population is generally tolerant, respectful and avoids conflict. Be careful in your communication. In case of injustice, act as a good citizen by contacting the police immediately. If possible, make sure you have evidence and witnesses with you.

  • Your European driving licenses can be converted into Quebec licenses. If not converted, they will be valid for 6 months, except in certain cases, such as when you are a full-time student.
  • Your diplomas and experience acquired outside Quebec have little value for certain employers. Expect not to regain the advantages you had before. Many doctors and executives end up becoming taxi drivers or administrative agents for many years.
  • Quebecers have an accent and expressions different from other French-speaking countries. Remember, however, that you are in Quebec. If you lived in France, avoid criticism and be open to learning.
  • In Quebec, you have to pay taxes on most items you buy. Additionally, you will pay provincial and federal taxes. Your salaries will be reduced accordingly, so factor this into your action plan.
  • Quebec experiences very cold temperatures, with periods of extreme cold covering 85% of the time. Allow 30 minutes before leaving for a destination and invest in quality equipment.
  • You must receive help to obtain your health insurance card and your social insurance number (SIN). Never disclose your SIN to a third person, except in certain cases explained by Service Canada.
  • According to Statistics Canada data, a large part of the Quebec population uses support to improve their mental health. During the migration journey, we all go through difficult times at least once. With ALTERAMBITIONS, you will never be alone, and we are committed to sincerely and decisively supporting all our members. If necessary, contact us.
  • Choose the bank of your choice and quickly opt for a credit card to build your credit score. If you want expert advice, contact us and we'll put you in touch.
  • Pay your bills on time to avoid unpleasant penalties.
  • It is important to obtain a Canadian telephone number. To start by limiting the risks, go to Dollarama and buy a SIM card for $5. Then you can choose your plan and pay according to your preferences, without obligation. If you decide to go with a carrier, pay attention to the phone payment end date if you choose this option with the subscription.
  • You will need a fishing license to fish. Additionally, many species are protected, so avoid feeding animals or petting pets without the owner's permission.
  • Avoid defecating in nature, even if you are intoxicated or in particular discomfort.
  • Respect non-smokers and keep your distance from people and infrastructure, otherwise you will receive fines.
  • Do not work without being declared. Always respect laws and regulations. In Quebec, information travels quickly, and the walls have ears and a very powerful voice.
  • Relationships are often superficial and based on interests. The lifestyle is individualistic. The notion of sharing can be sensitive, because the weight of the capitalist system holds an important place in the hearts of each of us.
  • Do not confuse tolerance and respect with open-mindedness. Each person is unique, with a veil in the heart that lifts in specific contexts.
  • The cost of living is high, forcing most residents to have one full-time job and a second or third part-time job. Even retirees are returning to work.
  • In the Quebec school system, especially at university, most teachers are fully invested in ensuring the success of all students. Don’t hesitate to invest in rewarding training.
  • Openness towards others must go both ways, but don't forget that you are in Quebec. Take advantage of Quebec's 17 regions to explore and avoid locking yourself in only with people similar to your origins if you want to develop your network and appreciate the beauty of the province.
  • Most immigrants with Berber/indigenous origins are proud of it and show it openly. Do not systematically assume that "all" Quebecers will be proud to be told that they are both the descendants of the indigenous people on the reserves and that they are immigrants who came to colonize and imprison the latter.
  • You can truly build the best version of yourself in Quebec but keep in mind that our stars are not the same and do not shine the same way. In other words, for your well-being, inspire yourself without morbid envy and wanting to copy.


How do I recruit internationally for my business in Quebec?

When engaging international talent in Quebec, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Familiarize yourself with immigration laws and regulations to ensure compliance with legal requirements and procedures required to hire foreign workers.

  2. Carefully assess the skills and qualifications of foreign candidates to meet your specific business needs.

  3. Collaborate with immigration experts and specialized lawyers for advice on administrative processes and work permits.

  4. Establish a long-term strategy to anticipate future business needs, including development and training programs for foreign workers.

  5. Facilitate the integration of foreign employees by offering cultural and linguistic support for their rapid adaptation.

  6. Assess language skills, especially in French, to facilitate integration and performance at work.

  7. Adopt a fair and diverse approach in recruitment to ensure a balanced representation of local and international talent.

  8. Clearly communicate the advantages and professional opportunities offered to foreign candidates, including information on life in Quebec and social benefits.

  9. Regularly assess the performance and adaptation of foreign employees, ensuring that you provide them with the necessary support.

  10. Build relationships with local and international networks to expand your pool of candidates and benefit from international recruitment advice.

By following these tips

You will increase your chances of success in international recruitment in Quebec and form a diversified and competent team for your company.

You will find that real support requires a great investment in terms of time and skills. It is not a question of including group activities and registering candidates for training to learn French, even less if our main labor pool is French-speaking.

If that was the miracle recipe, we wouldn't hear employees complaining about incompetence and false promises a long time ago.

That's why we offer you the solution to trust ALTERAMBITIONS and its 360 support program for your peace of mind.